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Friday, May 30, 2014

Sandwich Boardwalk, Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA

This is likely the wrong footwear for a walk along the Sandwich Boardwalk. I wish I knew why the owner left it behind.  In any case, it makes a good photo prop. 

If you walk to the end, a nice Cape Cod Bay beach awaits.

The tidal marshes are rich with aquatic smells to please any dog.

The tidal marsh at low tide.

It's a long walk back. The 1350-foot boardwalk was included on National Geographic's list of top 10 boardwalks in the United States.

A boardwalk without side rails really appeals to me..........

....and these young folks seem to like it, too.

I made this image three years ago in summer 2011. The group of kids in the center of the bridge are preparing to jump into the water.

I always enjoy passing this building on the way to the parking area.

A similar fall view.

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