A Favorite Post

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Piazza del Salvatore, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Lucca is a town of many piazzas (city squares). Piazza del Salvatore is one of the smaller ones. By my rough count, there are at least 20 within the walls.  Many if not most, have at least a restaurant or other business establishment around the perimeter. For this image, I am sitting in a restaurant chair enjoying lunch and this is my view. A living movie plays right in front of my eyes. A tourist wearing nothing but orange - who would have thought - easy for his family to spot in a crowd.

A bicyclist rides by as other folks gather by the fountain in the background.

For centuries, residents came to the fountain to get water and transport it back home.  The presence of a tub suggests that it was once a communal bath location, or, maybe for washing laundry?.

A piazza is a great place to go for a walk with grandma in the bright spring sunshine.

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