A Favorite Post

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Garden, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I like dandelions. This year's crop is looking good.  My green thumb is really showing off. The secret of my gardening technique is to walk carefully through the yard to make sure that the hundreds of delicate dandelions are not harmed in any way. 

 One of my other gardening skills includes artful stacking of the fallen and broken limbs from a birch tree to provide a photographic counterpoint for the azaleas nearby.

I could also take credit for the artful distribution of water droplets on the azalea bushes but alas, they are leftover from mother nature's downpour during the night. In conclusion, one might call me a casual gardener - I casually walk by things that are growing on their own and call it my garden. Okay, so I'm not really a gardener at all - but I sure do enjoy the beauty of someone else's hard work.......  like the following image of Amy's green thumb results from a previous summer.

Panorama - click it to view in full width. If you want to see more, type "Amy's Garden" in the search box in the right column of this blog. (If you receive this by email, you won't see the search box, you must go to the actual blog webpage).

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