A Favorite Post

Friday, March 14, 2014

Winter, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Closed for the winter - I've always envied a business that gets to do that. I recall meeting a man working near a national park in the western United States who owned an ice cream store just outside the park entrance.  He closed every year in the late fall, all winter, and early spring and, instead of working, then spent the time living on a warm beach until reopening the store in mid spring.

Winter is the time of the year when I have no valid excuse to procrastinate. I must sit at my desk and get the paperwork done that needs to get done. Tax returns, ugh! But I'm easily distracted from it........for example, by taking a picture of my pen cup walking on the windowsill, or, maybe I can see a squirrel..........or a bird.........or............

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