A Favorite Post

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Another Great Read, Puerto Aventuras, Quintana Roo, Riviera Maya, Mexico

In a a recent blog post, linked here at Vacation Reading, I mentioned a few great reads I've enjoyed on this trip. Since that post, I finished reading the book pictured above, Shelter Me, by Juliette Fay. What an extraordinary read it was! The ability of this author to create characters and weave a story is a remarkable demonstration of her literary creativity. The book is set in the Boston and Cape Cod areas and the author is a local Boston College and Harvard University alumnus.

It's a story about love, loss, abandonment, redemption, reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing. Universal themes that struck me on a very personal level.  This was a powerful read for me.  I've already requested her two other books, Deep Down True, and the Shortest Way Home from my public library for when I return home.

Shelter Me, and The Language of Flowers, which I mentioned earlier this trip, were the two most wonderful writings I had the pleasure to read on this trip.  They both touched me deeply with their beautiful and powerful stories. For me, these two books demonstrate the magical power of reading at its best - to connect and awaken the reader to a world created in the mind.

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