A Favorite Post

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Xcacel Beach, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Riviera Maya, Mexico

I was surprised at how crowded this beach was compared to my visit last year.  Of course, it was a Sunday afternoon so maybe that was the reason.  There was also a lifeguard on duty and a police officer patrolling with his machine gun slung over his shoulder.

Even the crowds couldn't detract from a walk in the spongy, springy, squishy sand that make up this spectacular beach. 

Clouds rolled in and clouds rolled out but the air and water temperatures remained about 78 degrees F.

On reflection, I guess it wasn't too crowded after all.  I've seen a few beaches in my life - and this is one the more beautiful anywhere. 

A few hundred yards walk south along the beach is a small cenote. They recently began construction of this walkway and dock to prevent damage to the mangrove roots along the trail.

As soon as you get in the water, hundreds of little fish immediately swarm your legs nibbling away.  It is an odd sensation.

And this local resident was not too keen on humans interrupting his lunch - those same little fish who get too close to the edge.

This area is maintained as a turtle sanctuary to protect the habitat.  Entry fee was 25 pesos/person. (about $2.00 USD). The quotation under the name of the sanctuary  translates as: "Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish caught will we realize we cannot eat money" - American Indian Wisdom.

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