A Favorite Post

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Around Town, Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Riviera Maya, Mexico

I have passed the age and financial standing where I am willing to stay in inexpensive hostels if I have a better alternative, but if I weren't such a snob, which would I pick of these two? Let's see, does one stay in the Little Tequila Hotel, or, the Che Hotel? I guess the party animals stay at Little Tequila, and the aspiring revolutionaries stay at the Che. 

Note the haphazard stringing of electric, cable, and phone wires overhead, typical of some areas I've visited over the years.

A cigar maker demonstrates his hand rolling craft along the ever popular pedestrian mall of Avenida Cinco. Avenida Cinco stretches about 4 kilometers long  parallel to and a block off the beach in this popular tourist town.  It's THE place to see and be seen. Hundreds of shops, restaurants, clubs, hotels, and hawkers of anything and everything vie for the attention and money of passersby.

It's cloudy and cool today but "Playa"still is full of people out and about. Playa del Carmen is the third most populated town in the state of Quintana Roo.

The Little Cow is a nightclub near the beach in town. This life size sculpture hangs from the proscenium arch at the street entrance.  Odd choice in theme but, who am I to say.

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