A Favorite Post

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Holiday Lights at the Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The Faneuil Hall Marketplace offers a light show of holiday lights each evening this time of year starting about sunset and going every half hour into the evening.  I arrived a bit early so I wandered around.  This sign, the building leaner person, and the general look and feel caught my eye as representative of  the moment/location. (Clarity is a retail store).

And later, with the wet pavement reflecting wonderful silver shiny light - if I add in the long shadows of a darkly clad woman, crop out her upper body, accent the darkness with her disembodied hand, frame with a dirty snow pile, and finally remove the color to create a black and white grittiness - then voilĂ  - it sure looks like art to me.

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