A Favorite Post

Saturday, November 30, 2013

What Do Vegans Eat for Thanksgiving? Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This post is another in my occasional series about, "what do vegans eat?" Specifically, for this Thanksgiving. I don't speak for all vegans but, I eat pretty much the same thing I eat throughout the year - healthful, mostly unprocessed food that doesn't involve the killing or exploiting of animals. Ever notice how pistachios look like little tiny papayas?

Fresh finger foods like pistachios and grapes are good for starters.

Roasted red peppers in olive oil and garlic either spread on bread or dipped with chips make great appetizers.

And the old stand-by, cranberry sauce - for dipping and/or serving with the main course.

The main course requires flatware which also makes a great photographic subject.

This year's main dish began with sauteing all these beans, greens, and veggies, then the dish was covered in a whole wheat biscuit crust and baked. (Thanks as always to chef Amy).

And for dessert, to accompany the obligatory pumpkin pie, this turkey wandered by in the yard.  Of course since he was made of milk chocolate (not vegan) and not made of dark chocolate (possibly vegan), we let him pass unharmed....yeah, sure we did. Happy Thanksgiving to all regardless of whether your culture celebrates this holiday - we all have much for which to be thankful!

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