A Favorite Post

Thursday, November 21, 2013


I am having some electrical work done at my home right now and it got me thinking.

I live in a society which offers essentially unlimited quantities of electricity.  At the same time, in many other parts of the world, more than a billion people have no electricity in their homes.

It is rare to see folks in this country (of almost any age) not carrying some sort of electrically powered device (battery or plug-in).  Whether a phone, camera, ipad, ipod, bluetooth earplug, music headphones, etc.

One of the consequences of using electrical power is the annoying sound of all our machines: music, mowers, mulchers, chain saws, weed whackers, boats, airplanes, grinders, compressors, radios, etc. - they all use electricity in varying ways.

Sure would be quieter without all those devices. On the other hand, without electricity all we could hear would be the barking dogs and screaming people. I'm not sure which option is better..................

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