A Favorite Post

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Budweiser Clydesdales Come to Town, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Budweiser Clydesdales are in Plymouth this week in advance of America's Hometown Thanksgiving Parade. As part of their visit, they send a single ambassador horse to some locations around the area.  This appearance was at Luke's Liquors in "downtown" Manomet.  It's nice to see them in daylight. My post yesterday was a nighttime event and difficult to photograph- at this link.

No matter how cool we think our feet and lower legs are, the Clydesdales' are way cooler. Maybe they were the inspiration for bell-bottoms?

Folks were able to pose with the gentle giant.

I bet the Budweiser handler on the right appears in thousands if not millions of family photo albums around the country.

Although my personal philosophy as a vegan doesn't support using animals for our captive entertainment, these beautiful animals appeared extraordinarily well-loved, well-treated, and thoroughly pampered by their human handlers.

They posed him under a shallow roof overhang on a concrete floor - perhaps either to stay out of the rain, or to be next to the Budweiser ads in the window, or maybe the horse likes the comfort of being beside a wall. In any case, there are consequences...........

..... when you consume 25 quarts of grains, 60 pounds of hay, and 30 gallons of water a day, it has to go somewhere.

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