A Favorite Post

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Photography Events by Amy, Part 3 of 3, Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

This is Part 3 of 3. Part 1 is at this link.  Part 2 is at this link

Provincetown, Massachusetts, located at the tip of Cape Cod, has an ambiance of tolerance, art is everywhere, the people (and dogs) are friendly and its compact setting is great for walking and wandering around. People are fewer now, restaurants can seat you, and the town seems to be breathing a sigh of relief with tourist season winding down. The air is clear and fresh, the gulls and pigeons wheel overhead. The light has a special fall-like quality.  It is a fine place to be.

The photo tour officially ended yesterday but, being focused photographers (pun intended), they were out again at dawn for the great light and clouds - and because they can't help themselves - they must go out and see and photograph! (Panorama - click to view in full width).

This gull posed for a while before I got the light the way I wanted on the side of his face - then he flew away when I wouldn't give him any food.

This view is on the town wharf looking back toward downtown. (Panorama - click to view in full width).

I like this gull's orange feet dangling uselessly behind and below - nothing to do until he lands again.

Dingies on the left, working boats on the right, please.

Like beaches the world over, locals walk their dogs at this special sunrise time. Unlike locals in some other countries, however, folks here are good about carrying a doggy bag with them - not the kind with treats, though, the other kind.

Here's the full view of the piece of art I mentioned in Part 1 of this blog post series. Notice his cheek.

His cheek is a coiled old bicycle chain. In fact, on close examination it appears that much of this sculpture is reused/recycled metal parts. How cool is that!

And while I'm in the artistic mode, I like the angles and light in this image and the disorienting feeling it creates. It is confusing to look at but on closer examination it is simply a straight-on overhead view of steps to the beach and beach chaise lounges. 

One last look at the morning light reflecting off the hull...........

I like how the legs of the photographers carry the theme and angles of  the pier pilings. It helps that each person has a different colored jacket, too.

The event organizers, Betty Wiley and Amy Davies,  had scouted the route and had a plan which they executed with quiet efficiency and flexibility based on the dynamic circumstances in the field - timing, light, wind, tides, mood, hunger, thirst, weather, etc.  This ensured that everyone had great imaging opportunities at each location. This low tide session at the base of the abandoned pier is a good example.

Even a point-and-shooter can capture nice lines, shadows, and contrasts given the right opportunity.

Why are so many people drawn to photography as an art form? I think simply the ability to behold a sight of great beauty or interest and capture it is rewarding for both the photographer and anyone who sees the resulting image. You can be active, sedentary, indoors, outdoors, travel, stay put. You can do it with or without others. There is enough reward regardless the skill level to keep you coming back for more.  It is about the process of finding, seeing, capturing, processing, and revealing - it's a long dance of creativity.

Now, concerning the last image above, if only I could have included a very small crab with pincers outstretched like castanets ...........maybe next time...........

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