A Favorite Post

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Photography Events by Amy, Part 1 of 3, Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

I recently accompanied a photographer's tour in Provincetown, Massachusetts, as a tag-along spouse. It started out rainy, cold, and windy but, we found that rain puddles aren't just for kids to splash in.............. It demonstrates the classic aphorism: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  I think this image above might be my favorite of the trip - whether during good weather, bad weather, and everything in between.

Combining the extraordinary creative skills of renowned Cape Cod photographer Betty Wiley, and the renowned organizational and photographic skills of Plymouth Digital Photographers Club founder and principal Amy Davies, "Photography Events by Amy," sponsored a day and half photographic expedition to Provincetown, Massachusetts.

Conditions ran the gamut from wind-driven downpours, to stinging wind-driven beach sand, to crisp, post-frontal air clarity and bright light. The attendees experienced a stimulating range of imaging conditions and subjects and environments either at or within a few minutes of Provincetown at the very tip of Cape Cod. The beach, ocean, marsh, sand, buildings, piers, boats, people, and pets are all available in a relatively compact space.

I kind of wandered around on the fringes of the group, not wanting to get in the way, but happy to pick up a few tips or ideas either by osmosis or proximity.

This telltale over-protection from any and all things that might cause discomfort is what makes me think this is the couple's first and/or only child. Just sayin'.............been there, done that.

And when the rain and wind stops, this puddle makes a perfectly flawless mirror.

Just a touch of color is sometimes all it takes to brighten the whole world.

These two small boats had great wear patterns on the bottom of the hulls - and you'll never guess their names.

Many way-cool sculptures, such as the one above, are featured in a local resident's front yard. But a straight-on image seemed uninspired so......

.....a little creativity was the solution - purposeful camera movement during exposure.

Truly a wonder of photography is that one can entertain oneself with very little - shape, light, and color are all it takes.

This restaurant is a Provincetown downtown classic; the group ended the first day here.  And yes, we did find some vegan fare on the menu. And yes, they do give separate checks on request for a large group. And yes, the food was good!

Who would have guessed? Perhaps the owner(s) are in the restaurant business.

More about the trip tomorrow.......

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