A Favorite Post

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall Market, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I guessed that this "giant" pumpkin weighed 274 pounds. I did not win the contest. Conveniently, I just read elsewhere that the world's largest pumpkin weighs in at 2,032 pounds!!

I realize from looking at these photos that our markets here are really not much different from images I've posted from other countries - produce is produce the world over, granted, with some local variations based on climate and growing conditions. For example,  I don't ever recall  having fresh local papaya in our outdoor markets in Massachusetts.

I've tried to make the prices legible for you readers in other parts of the world to compare. Of course, most other places in the world would have prices in kilos rather than pounds. (One pound equals about 0.45 kilograms, so $1.99 per pound should equate to about $4.38 per kilo).

$1.29 per pound is about $2.84 per kilo.

By the way, the giant pumpkin was only 228 pounds. Don't ever ask me to guess your weight..........

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