A Favorite Post

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Since I don't have a traditional daily "job" to go to anymore, I have been increasingly fascinated by the creative process - to make something from nothing.  Creating blog posts has become my creative process outlet. In the image above, I purposefully moved the camera downward while shooting a fall scene in a rainstorm to create the vertical striations. 

Or taking all the color out of this scene except on the balloons. Creativity is perhaps the essence of life - whether to fill silence with notes and words, or paint or film, or digital files, or gardens, or whatever.........

Or to freeze a moment of uncommon beauty.

Or to shift a  perspective of a common object - in this case a boat.

Or to interject an unexpected element.

Or to capture a special moment.

Or to freeze and suspend an object normally in motion. 

Or to reduce an idyllic beach setting to black and white to accent the shapes and patterns instead of the colors.

Or to capture a hallmark motion  for a particular creature - a diving pelican.

Or to show a silhouette of a musician with only the hint of music through his closed guitar case.

Or to wind-up a windmill.

Or to manipulate light and shadow on a common staircase.

Or to stop and capture pastoral beauty in an overlooked everyday view.

Or to take out all the color, impose sandy grit and grain, and draw the viewer's eye within.

Or to only have a tiny touch of understated color.

Or to catch the early morning raindrops on flower petals.

Or by manipulating light and contrast to make a footprint that seems to be raised but isn't.

Or to disrupt a resting flock of gulls into the setting sun.

Creativity requires some element of solitary reflection and thoughtful intention.  I create blog posts - some are great, some are good, some are factual and informative, some are not so good at all but, it's about the process more than the product, the journey rather than the destination - I guess like life. Death is the end but not the goal - life is the process; and so also, creativity. This is fun.

I think I'll go create something today - maybe just random acts of kindness and goodwill.


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