A Favorite Post

Friday, October 11, 2013

A Walk in the Woods, Cape Cod Canal, Bourne, Massachusetts, USA

There is a nature trail on the north side of the canal near the Herring Run parking area.  It isn't exactly wilderness, located as it is sandwiched in between the highway and the canal but it is quite pleasant nonetheless.

I will enjoy a sun-dappled path and fall colors anywhere I find them.

There is a sandy narrow trail that seems to be seldom used.......

......except for some of the natives out for lunch.

This image doesn't even look real to me. It looks more like a photograph.

Oh yeah, these are photographs.

And if you turn your head sideways, a peek through the branches will sometimes reveal boats traversing the canal. 

I hope you are enjoying fall wherever you are in the Northern Hemisphere - or spring in the Southern.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your beautiful Cape Cod pictures! I have only visited in the summer when my family and I visit our Cape Cod summer rental. It is definitely not as serene as the autumn months!
