A Favorite Post

Friday, September 6, 2013

Plymouth Airshow, Plymouth Municipal Airport, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

There is nothing like watching a smoke-streaming aerobatic display at an airshow.  In this case, the Oracle sponsored aircraft is being piloted by Sean D. Tucker.

Hundreds (maybe thousands) of spectators were out on this perfect summer day to enjoy the free show at Plymouth Municipal Airport.

Whether making tight corkscrew turns through the sky.......

.....or even more gentle slow rolls.......

.....every airshow seems to have the upside-down-cut-the-ribbon-with-the-rudder low pass.......

I bet at least one of the many kids on daddy's shoulders today will grow up to be a pilot...........

...and some may not. But daddy's shoulder is still a great place to be.

This is a runway end light - the green side is visible if you are approaching the full runway ahead, the red side is visible if you are approaching the runway end.  Green good - red bad.

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