A Favorite Post

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

King Richard's Faire, Carver, Massachusetts, USA

King Richard's Faire is an annual event here, much like other Renaissance-styled fairs. In the above image are the ticket sales windows and main entrance. If you want to see what is likely a more authentic experience in France, check out the last half dozen blog posts at this link from Photos of Provence.

Renaissance style fairs have been around the United States since the 1960's and now are held in more than 200 venues in almost all of our states. Sometimes it's hard to tell the audience from the performers as many attendees dress in costume.

Juggling fire while standing on someone's shoulders is always popular.

This cast member on the right was very popular for the photographers, both because of his costume and short stature, but especially the painting on the back of his bald head.  In fact he complained (in jest) that people weren't taking enough photos of his front side.  The woman on the left with exposed breast tops was a very popular look on women dressed in the Renaissance garb.

The Renaissance era equivalent of the photo booth - you could sit for a portrait with the portrait artist.

But if you don't have the time to sit for a portrait, there were lots of photographers like these two roaming about having a good time making pictures.

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