A Favorite Post

Monday, September 23, 2013

Flight or Fancy, Cape Cod Canal, Bourne, Massachusetts, USA

Cormorants are often seen with wings outstretched, ostensibly drying their feathers after diving underwater for food.

Though not normally thought of as one of the more visually beautiful species, they can be quite handsome from the right angle (as can most of us).

You may think this is just another one drying his wings, but I think otherwise. I watched him for quite a while and he wasn't wet. He balanced on this wire alternately changing his wing's angle of attack to create more or less lift - whatever the moment needed to stay balanced during a gusty wind.  It looked to me like he was simply having fun.  He can't read, write, check his email or smartphone but, he sure can enjoy the magic of wings.  Find pleasure where you can, whatever the species.  For another example, check out this squirrel lying on a block of ice on a wicked hot Oklahoma day - (photo at this link).

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