A Favorite Post

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Art on the Cape Cod Canal, Bourne, Massachusetts, USA

You'll have to take my word for it but, this sailboat is moving at an impossibly fast speed. The tide is running fast from behind, the boat is under motor power, and the wind is HOWLING from behind at 20-plus knots. I did a double-take as it passed - it seemed like a cartoon image it moved so quickly. But I digress, this post is about art..........

With that much wind, it's hard to walk much less ride - in this view facing west, the wind is blowing right down the canal, and it is showery wet, gusty, and gray, but hey -  it's 75 degrees F outside so I walked a few miles anyway. There weren't very many folks out but, I figure that someone in New England who can't enjoy it outside when it is 75 degrees F doesn't get to complain when it's 25 degrees F and the same conditions occur - and I definitely complain during those conditions. (Except then the rain would be snow, the path would be slick, and the wind chill would be about 10 degrees F and I would be home, or, preferably in a warm climate elsewhere). But I digress, this post is about art...........

The canal isn't just for boats, bikes, skates, feet, and fisher people - it's for artists too.  This section of the canal, west of the Herring Run Recreation Area,  has been transformed into an art gallery with this 240-foot mural by Americorps Cape Cod.  These paintings are visible to anyone on the path or on the water. I really like these simple scenes - they evoke essence in colorful simplistic expressions - unexpected random creativity. 

The view facing east.

What if our world was filled with random creativity and kindness instead of random war and violence? 

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