A Favorite Post

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pond Life, Bartlett Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

If you've ever wondered what to wear when kayaking, I can say that most anything including sparkly things and little sweaters are not out of the question. Kayaking on a calm pond can be a very civilized activity.

Nature, on the other hand, is not particularly civilized. Left to it's own, she will slowly but steadily overtake any effort by humans to "tame" the wild. This dock area is being shrunk each year with overgrowth.

30 acres is a nice size for a pond especially one that is mostly shallow so it doesn't attract the noisy motorized crowd.  Bartlett Pond sees just canoes, kayaks, and paddle boats with the occasional flat-bottom fishing boat with a battery powered trolling motor.  Suits me just fine. It's hard to hear the sounds of the natural world when our infernal machines are making too much noise.

I could certainly hear nature's rumbles of thunder when this huge summer storm passed by a half hour ago.

The storm was gone quickly and another day came to an end - albeit shorter than the one before - the downward slide of daylight hours is becoming apparent as August advances towards September.

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