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Monday, August 12, 2013

Mayflower II Returns, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Mayflower II returned home to its dock in Plymouth Harbor after being out of town in dry dock since last winter. Work is ongoing over the next few years in preparation for the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims arrival in the New World in 1620. The approximate 100 foot long original vessel transported about 150 pilgrims and crew from England to what later became Massachusetts. Arriving at the beginning of the winter season after two months of travel, barely half were still alive by the following spring when they disembarked for good.

A harbor fireboat with a celebratory spray leads the way as Mayflower II is tugged into the harbor channel.

Folks crowded the dock to welcome Mayflower II home on this beautiful summer day.

Many boats were also out and about in the harbor to catch a glimpse of the returning ship.

This is part of the rigging that supports and strengthens one of the masts.

Folks also lined the distant shoreline as Mayflower II nudges in closer to the dock.

Mayflower II safely back on her dock in the background, this performer/actor/pilgrim from nearby Plimouth Plantation poses with a baby - (not mine).

An Irish-sounding band entertains the passing crowds. (A short sound clip below). Sorry I missed getting their name.

Maybe you don't see this often: A photo of a man taking a photo of a man taking a photo of a man taking a photo. Plymouth Harbor in the background. A more perfect weather day could not have been scripted for this event.

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