A Favorite Post

Monday, July 8, 2013

Amy's Garden, Bartlett Pond, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Amy's Garden on an early summer day.

These red bee bombs are a favorite of the hummingbirds.

And the bird bath is a popular feature for our feathered friends - both for drinking and bathing. I watched two different red-winged black birds take baths over a half hour period.  Each one did 15 dips and shakes in the shallow water before flying off to a branch to preen and dry off.  I wonder why 15?

This is an advantage of morning dew or fog. Advantage to me, that is, not to the spider who probably won't catch much with a wet web.

The day lilies have begun to bloom.

Here is some mighty fine pollen ready to be collected. Hope a bee finds it before the day of  life of the day lily blossom ends.


  1. I love flower photos and these are beautiful.

  2. wow..those water droplets snaps stuck to the web threads is show stopper!!
    I salute you for these great snaps!

    1. thanks for reading the blog and your comment!

  3. Thanks for sharing! I am in love with the picture of the wet spider web, so cool! I absolutely hate spiders but next rainy day I am going to venture out to find some webs to photograph.

    1. thanks for your comment, good luck with your efforts!
