A Favorite Post

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Vegan Pizza, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This is another post in my occasional series about, "what do vegans eat?"  Pizzas are always found among my favorites.  A whole wheat or corn based dough, slathered with tomato/pizza sauce, and topped with any and all veggies is always a winner. I'm especially partial to a corn based pre-made crust and found a supplier of vegan corn crust pizza shells at the Whole Foods supermarket chain.    

For this pizza, I spread the crust lightly with olive oil, then spread with marinara sauce with added ground spices such as peppers, onion, basil, oregano, sage, rosemary, garlic, tyme, parsley.  Then I added the diced broccoli flowers, sweet potato chunks, diced zucchini, garbanzo beans, and a soy based crumble (a ground beef like product without using dead animals) with onions, carrots, and celery.  Top it all with an arrowroot based "cheese" and bake for 13 minutes at 450 degrees on a pizza stone.

Doesn't that look good? It's good to eat and good for me, too.  And no animals were harmed in its production. Avocado chunks or guacamole are excellent topical add-ons  at table but - horrors!! - we were out of both.

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