A Favorite Post

Monday, June 17, 2013

Random Sights Around Manomet, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A late afternoon walk around Manomet on a perfect spring day yields a good cross-section of pastoral and residential beauty in the area.  In this view, Cape Cod Bay is visible in the distance.

Unpaved lanes are not uncommon and add to the rural beauty and feel of the area. I quite enjoy strolling down these rural lanes with only the sounds of wind and birdsong as my companions.

I sneaked a peek into this idyllic back yard garden.

I bet this young girl will warmly remember this rope swing at grandma's house for the  rest of her life.

Some people even get mail delivered to their home - or at least close to it.

I like to take pictures looking into the sun but many distortions occur unless the lens is shaded properly - note to self: remove hand from field of view.

A quiet neighborhood pond hosts a pair of nesting green herons among many other forms of wildlife.

I think this might be called a dapple of late afternoon slanting sunlight - although I'm not sure one can properly use dapple as a singular noun...........

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