A Favorite Post

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Blooming Cactus, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

The desert is alive with spring growth as many cactus varieties are busting into bloom.

And where the flowers are, the bees aren't far behind.

This little fellow is enjoying an orgy of pollen to take back to his hive. It's no wonder my sinuses are not happy being here this week with all the pollen and dust flying around in the bone dry air here.

This bloom (not a cactus) had some cool red tendrils shooting out. Yep, nothing like this in the northeastern United States.  On the other hand, the northeast has plenty of water and this area is experiencing a severe drought even considering their desert status. You can view the entire US drought conditions at this link: http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/

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