A Favorite Post

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Boston Marathon - Part 3 of 3, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Four large poster boards and many Sharpies were arranged at the impromptu memorial site for visitors to leave comments. 

There were three quotes pre-printed on the posters: one each by President Obama, Governor Patrick, and Mayor Menino.  Otherwise the public was free to leave their comments.

And many people did leave a comment.

All the years I've looked at maps of Massachusetts but I never thought of this - very clever - it brought a smile to my face.

And at Marathon time, we are the world's home.

In the week since the bombings, other tragedies have occurred around the world with  many fatalities.  It is a sober reminder to enjoy the voyage of life - it can end abruptly and unexpectedly at any time or, events can render one maimed for whatever remains of one's life. 

What does all this mean?  That on the timeline of the world another tragic act of humanity's worst behavior is writ large and irrevocable.

Instead of all gathering to joyously celebrate some remarkable accomplishment that enriches the world, we gather here to again bow our heads sadly at another unspeakable act of violence and madness.  Can humanity do no better than this?

But it is spring in Boston.  And as always, the runners will run. The sun has come out and replaced the explosions of evil with nature's explosion of growth, and renewal, and achingly beautiful sights in our natural world.  And with each passing day these events will fade from the top of minds but always, in an instant, recallable as sad and sick markers in what is otherwise an extraordinary journey through our time on this planet. 

And next year, from all over the world, runners will be again drawn to Boston, Massachusetts, on Patriot's Day to participate in the 114th Boston Marathon - to again take part in a special race as the crowds gather along the 26.2 mile route and cheer them on.  

1 comment:

  1. The sketch of Cape Cod as a bicep muscle is cool, and clever.
