A Favorite Post

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Boston Marathon - Part 1 of 3, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

This sentiment is visible everywhere in town now.......

and yesterday the people came by the thousands to the Boston Marathon finish line.

The authorities in Boston had just reopened Boylston Street. I too, felt compelled to visit the impromptu shrine at Copley Plaza.  I wanted to pay my respects and honor the memories of the three people who died and the scores of people maimed and injured at the finish line on Marathon Monday. I had stood there, too, on that day, only a few hours before the blasts.

We came alone, or in pairs, or as families, or as co-workers on a break, some walking, some on crutches, some in wheelchairs - we were young or old, black or white, domestic or foreign, and everything in between - our emotions were palpable - sadness, loss, anger, confusion, love, redemption, forgiveness.  A steady stream of people had come - some had journeyed specifically for this, some happened by on chance, some lingered, some passed through quickly. But a solemnity overspread all.

This is the shrine to the three killed at the finish line - Krystle, Lingzi, and Martin.

Many sports team hats were left in tribute with the "Boston Strong" message......

And hundreds of stuffed toy animals....

And flowers, and wreaths, and bouquets.....

And always reinforcing the message ....."Boston Strong."

Running shoes by the hundreds.......

And American flags too numerous to count .........

Amid the sadness -  the defiant and resilient message prevailed - "Boston Strong."

Even the news teams were quiet, respectful, and subdued, shown here interviewing a marathoner who came to pay her respects.

It was a gathering of sadness made bearable by the outpouring and sharing of love and caring by strangers. It was made bearable by the warm spring sunshine that helps remind us that amid the sadness, renewal and rebirth has arrived as Boston marks another glorious spring.  We are "Boston Strong." 

I'm glad I went.

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