A Favorite Post

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Winter's Last Snowfall?, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

After what is maybe the last snowfall of the season, all sorts of strange critters were seen scampering about on this path through the woods.

This sidewalk has been shoveled and readied for feet.

Shortly after sunrise, the snow is still stacked high on the branches.  Not deep enough to cause much damage but, deep enough to cause much beauty.

A small pond in Manomet.


More reflections.

Pond Panorama - click on image to view full width.

Pond Panorama - click on image to view full width.

But the storm has passed and the sun has started breaking through the remaining clouds.

As the temperature rose to near 40, the dripping, falling, and melting happened quickly.  By the end of the day, only in shadows did any snow remain.  Click on the arrow for a short video clip.


  1. Hi Joe...I lived in Manomet for many years as a boy and have lots of nice memories. This pond is just beautiful. Where is it in Manomet? We used to live out at White Horse Beach

    1. Rob, thanks for your comment. The pond is near where Thrush and Hawley Avenues intersect off Manomet Point Road.
