A Favorite Post

Friday, March 8, 2013

Random Roundup, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

It's getting to be that time of the trip where I pull together random unrelated and unused images that didn't make earlier blog posts but images that I still want to use.  This red pepper stem was so real it looked artificial. (Processed with Snapseed with the focus centered on the stem's base).

This is the view as you leave the Zona Hotelera and approach Cancun Centro (downtown).

They are just finishing installing this fountain in the rotary at the intersection of  Avenidas Tulum and Kukulkan.

Print journalism is still alive and well in this part of the world. How they keep the papers from flying around in the mostly relentless wind here is an ongoing challenge.

An incomplete oceanfront dream sits idle. They appear to have used some sort of pre-cast concrete beams and columns to assemble on site - it reminds me of a Kenner girder and panel building set when I was a kid fifty years ago.

Old tractor wheels are used to define a parking lot perimeter. (Processed in Snapseed with center focus).

Lizard art in an empty garage.

I'm not sure why someone wears these shoes on a running/walking/cycling path but I didn't ask.

A father and son pose in one of the fountains at La Isla shopping center.

It is nice to see that the tobacco industry does not control the marketplace and politics in Mexico like it does in the United States.  I think the message is pretty clear. These were in the duty-free shop at the Cancun airport.

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