A Favorite Post

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Public Library, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This view is on the front of the main Plymouth public library. I think one might call it a collonade in architectural terms.  I've always enjoyed the brickwork here. Public libraries are one of the greatest achievements of humanity.  The ability to share written information to one and all is mostly free (although taxes and/or donations have to pay for the books and infrastructure support).  It is puzzling to imagine what the future holds as we increasingly rely upon the internet to provide our source of all information.  Does that mean that the idea of  "free" access to the world's accumulated knowledge will someday only be available if you can pay to access the internet?   What will we do if public libraries close for lack of use and lack of books and internet access becomes unaffordable to regular  folks? An interesting idea.

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