A Favorite Post

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Public Land, Center Hill Preserve, Ellisville, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Recently, I published a blog post about one of the greatest inventions/legacies of humans.  That was the concept of a public library.  Here is perhaps an even more important one:  the dedication of natural areas to be preserved in natural form forever.  Center Hill Preserve in southeast Plymouth offers, beach, marsh, and woods for all to enjoy.

Plymouth, like many towns and states across the nation, recognizes the value of conservation land and purchases and sets aside such properties.  A great way to spend tax funds from all the people, for all the people, forever.  It is not a passing fancy to satisfy some political whim but a real contribution for our children and their children who inherit this planet we leave behind.

And for a moment of Zen, here's what it sounded like on a late winter day. Click on start arrow to listen.

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