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Monday, March 25, 2013

Impressed or Appalled?

This is a small portion of the breakfast cereals for sale in one random supermarket in Massachusetts.

The aisle stretches in both directions with brand after brand of just breakfast cereals. 

Do we need so many choices of breakfast cereals?  In  today's world, the answer is simply - yes, because that's what a free-market economy creates.  Competition with resultant survival of the successful.  That's the spirit of entrepreneurship that helped make this nation what it is today.  But as we continue to populate the world in ever increasing numbers, we can't forever live with the notion that more is always better.  The earth is finite and some places have already taxed the resources to the point of exhaustion.  It seems the business concept of survival based on selling more and more of something is reaching toward some practical limits.  Fewer and fewer people can pretend to have the almost unlimited opportunity that existed a century ago.  The "haves" and "have-nots" grow farther apart.  Is the best that humanity can do really just survival of the richest?  Isn't there more to us than the crude behavior of animals - eat or be eaten?  I think I'll  sit down and eat a bowl of cereal and contemplate that thought...........