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Monday, March 4, 2013

Flag Ceremony, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

This may seem like a normal flag of Mexico flying from a normal flagpole.  They are not. 

In fact, it's a HUGE flag flying from a HUGE flagpole. My estimate is that the flag is about 60 feet by 120 feet and the pole is more than  200 feet tall if each steel segment is about 20 feet. This photo was taken from our hotel's eighth floor across the street from the flagpole.

The flagpole base is about 21 feet in circumference. (Roughly seven feet in diameter if I remember my childhhod arithmetic correctly). For scale, a pencil and tube of  lip balm are lying on the ground beside it.

 A ceremony affirming allegiance to the nation was held one fine Sunday morning. Hundreds of local folks were in attendance.

A local band provided the music.

Federal police, municipal police, tourist police, firefighters, politicians, and various youth groups all participated. National pride and patriotism is alive and well in Cancun judging by this event.