A Favorite Post

Monday, February 18, 2013

Learning Our Way Around, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

Part of the fun of travel is finding our way around each new place.  Where are the sights, the markets, the bus stops, the bakery, the automated teller machine that doesn't charge fees, the beaches?  Where do the locals go and do and what are their lives like? What are their local customs and practices?  What does this yellow flag on the beach mean?  It's some kind of caution to swimmers but, for my purpose, it sure looks nice juxtaposed against the turquoise blue Caribbean Sea. 

I know this doesn't look anything like The Beatles' Abbey Road cover photo but that's what it made me think of - go figure.   

This pelican was so "tranquillo" that his feet had disappeared deeper and deeper into the sand with each successive wave.  He must be in mellow vacation mode, too!  I waited to catch a wave crest behind him mimicking his own crown.

We were up so early exploring that some of the mushroom-like palapas were still lying in the sand sleeping.

Beach view at the Playa Marlin public access point. (Panorama - click to view in full width).

Beach view with the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on the left. (Panorama - click to view in full width).

I never tire of looking at these warm turquoise waters and feeling a warm breeze blowing almost all the time.

These boats cruised by late at night, partying I assume.  I was already in bed trying to sleep but the driving thump of loud disco-ish music sometimes is a bit much. I must be getting older and crankier.

Thirty years ago this was called a blurry picture - now it might be called art by manipulating the exposure to take advantage of the boat's gentle movement on the water.

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