A Favorite Post

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chan Chemuyil, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

Chan Chemuyil is mostly a US and Canadian expat community located north of Tulum about a half mile west of the spectacular beach at Xcacel. Sized from about 800 square feet up to 1200 square feet, the 200 or so houses sell anywhere from $70K USD up to maybe $160K USD.

This community is known for the bright colors many folks choose to paint their houses.  Small and closely spaced as the houses are, it makes for quite a riot of colors in the neighborhood.

Imagine the reaction seeing this in conservative New England.

They even have their own small police station!

And driving down the highway on the way to this town I got to see the best town name ever:  UXUXUBI -  it's supposedly Mayan for "song of the birds."  (prounounced uush-uush-uubie).  I don't think I've ever seen a word/name with 3 U's and 2 X's before in my life!

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