A Favorite Post

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cenote Cristalino, Puerto Aventuras, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

A kilometer or so south of Puerto Aventuras is Cenote Cristalino.  There is a string of cenotes right here along the highway but we only visited this one.  (Cenotes you may recall from an earlier blog post are freshwater sinkholes very common throughout the Yucatan Peninsula limestone bedrock foundation). Entrance fee is 80 pesos for an adult (about $6 USD) and affords one swimming, use of a dressing room, toilets, and some lounge chairs if you are early enough to claim one of them.  Each person must receive a life vest when paying the entrance fee but few actually wear them.  No one enforces wearing the vest. I understand that Mexico's tort laws are not as out of control as are ours in the United States.  If you drown here, you don't necessarily get to sue the proprietor.  It's your fault not theirs.  After all, it is a swimming hole, there are certain dangers inherent. 

This cenote is much larger than the one we visited at Xcacel beach a few weeks ago and has some handy features - like the stainless steel swimming pool steps to gracefully and easily enter the water.  I am standing at the spot on the cliff where the brave folks jump or dive into the water. 

The diving/jumping cliff is at center in this image. (Panorama - click on the photo to view in full width).

This mom is demonstrating the "photographer's leglock" to free up both hands to manage her camera.  Later, the baby got quite a laugh when she was dangled in the water and the little fishes nibbled her toes.

This young boy is learning to dive - or be launched.

Moments later he is jumping feet first from the cliff.

His father/uncle/grandfather shows him how it's supposed to be done.

This mayan visage is carved/chiseled/cast into the stonework edge of this section of the cenote.

Adjacent to the cenote one can have a massage if so inclined (for an extra charge).

This barefoot carpenter/builder is constructing a permanent covering for the massage/spa area. It will basically be a large rectangular palapa.

Elsewhere on the property, the caretaker's laundry is hanging to dry.  Notice there are no clothespins - they simply separate the strands of the line and pull a corner of the garment through it - this is in a place where strong winds are very common and it still works.  A simple but effective idea.


  1. wow, this is so cool. I would love to go there. Nice GIF's. The Dad gets only an 8.5 because his hands are in the wrong position. But his legs and toes are perfect. Mexico is very strong in Olympic diving - one of their best sports. They won Silver in the 10 Meter Syncro in London last summer. (Behind China and ahead of USA.)

  2. Just came back from the same place. You took some really nice pictures there! Everybody loved the place.

    They have raised the price, but thanks to the strong dollar, we paid less. And the fish Pedicure itself paid for the entrance price several times over!

    1. Thanks for commenting! I am jealous re-imagining being there after reading your comment.
