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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Black and White Photos, Puerto Aventuras, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

Our stay in Puerto Aventuras is drawing to a close. Tomorrow's post will be the last from here.  Then we are off to other places.  

Here are a few black and white images I've been collecting that I thought I'd post now.  For this first photo, two questions came to mind:  first, why would someone build a palapa at the end of this jetty when it is regularly breached by waves and storms and, second, why is it still standing? Just wondering.

Walkers, waves, wings, and wonder - on the beach in front of Villas del Mar on Fatima Bay.

Low flying gull. I don't often get to capture the top of the wings.

Looking for  pelicans who frequent the jetty enclosure diving for food.

Another perfect day at the beach draws to a close.  

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