A Favorite Post

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Slowing Down, Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

As the morning glow of sunrise brightens the day, a pelican begins his hunt for breakfast.

It is another beautiful beginning to another beautiful day in Puerto Morelos. Weather: warm and sunny - same forecast every day. It's been almost a week since New Year's day and the weekday crowds are starting to diminish a bit - time for many folks to go home and get back to their real lives.

If gulls could talk.........: "I don't wanna go next, you go next, I went next last time, it's your turn, I always have to go next, I don't wanna go next, make him go next, he never goes next, I'm tired of flying, I just want to stand around, you go next......"

This palm trunk washed up on the shore this morning.  I wonder how long it's been floating around and how many boats either banged into it or saw it in time and dodged?

Solitary silent songster silhouetted since sunrise. 

A milky wave breaks over a piece of driftwood.

In the middle of the day, I stay inside when the sun is at it's most intense - it's too much for my pale skin. And at that time of the day, from our rented third floor condo unit a few buildings back from the water, we have a nice sideways view of the water.  

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