A Favorite Post

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Goodbye, Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

It is time to say goodbye to Puerto Morelos.  We have been here for a wonderful month.  The weather was warm and sunny every day, I don't think it ever went below 75 F nor above 85 F day or night, a few showers here and there, always a breeze, and friendly people, both residents and tourists alike. Plenty to do or nothing to do - your choice. We are heading south about 60 miles to a different place called Puerto Aventuras. Hopefully, I will do some more blog posts from there.  ¡Hasta luego! Here's a final walk about on our last day.........

Sunrise at the public beach access.

A storm rolled through briefly after sunrise.  Not too many folks were out walking.  I had to seek refuge for a half hour when the skies opened up. Palapas are made to keep the sun off, but they leak too much during a downpour to serve as a rain umbrella. 

We stopped and checked-out this beachfront condo development - maybe for a future visit?

The town pier had the usual range of activities - fishing, snorkeling, wandering.

This fisherman is trying to convince the visiting cormorant that he is not going to give away his catch.

This is a regular sight all along the beach and pier - the fruit man selling cups of fruit - sticks of papaya, jicama, coconut, cucumber, etc.

This band was playing Beatles music at the entrance to the pier.

The Unico beachfront bar on the sand is always hoppin' with natives and gringos alike. Beer drinking on the beach seems to be legal here - or not enforced - folks have beers at any and all times of the day in glass or cans.

And speaking of beer, we stopped for Amy's last beer on the beach - note her faint reflection in the sunglasses.

A sunset sailor caps another beautiful day here. ¡Adios! Puerto Morelos.


  1. Love your photos Joe - you have picked up the essence of the town - thank you
    Catriona Brown
    The Little Mexican Cooking School

  2. Catriona, Thanks for your comment. We really, really enjoyed being in PM. I hope we return someday - maybe take a vegan Mexican cooking class at your school if you offer one! I already make a pretty good vegan guacamole. Joe

  3. Some very nice images, Joe... I enjoyed seeing your world...


  4. Some very nice images, Joe... I enjoyed seeing your view of the world....

    1. Arthur, Thanks - I appreciate your comment. Joe
