A Favorite Post

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Doorways, Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

This is the main avenue in town where we are staying. It and two others parallel the shore between the sea and the mangrove swamps - it's a small and narrow town. Walking around in the cool of the morning, I notice lots of varied styles of doorways.  Many folks have walled front private courtyards  with either beautiful, fanciful, whimsical, or practical doorways.

This one was just built while we have been here.  It was a gaping opening, then the craftsmen put up concrete block, covered it with stucco/concrete and installed the framing and doors.  Just some finish work remains.

This one opens into the shade of a private palapa.

This one provides some security but also openness and visibility.

And this one - for those who like the sleek, ultra-modern look.

But as they say in real estate,  location, location, location always wins - even with simple weathered wood and woven sticks - thirty steps to the water is hard to beat.


  1. Bill,

    Yes, thanks. 70,000 page views is a lot of views. It still surprises me that folks in all 50 United States and more than 140 countries around the world have viewed the blog.


  2. I know. Amazing really. And I was able to go to 'Older Posts' to see you reply.

  3. I always answer comments unless the commenter was a spammer or simply using the comment to advertise his/her own product/service. A lot of people do just that. They write a generic comment that could cover any blog and then attach their link or advertisement hoping to get free circulation by me. I don't play that game.

  4. Reading this from Melbourne, Australia. I stumbled across it today and it has lessened my productivity at work somewhat this morning. We were in Puerto Morelos for a fortnight in June 2010 and cant wait to get back there.

    1. Thanks for your comment. Actually, my posts are designed for a one minute vacation in the mind for people who are at work! Melbourne has also looked like a pretty great place, too - but I haven't been there - yet. Joe
