A Favorite Post

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Cobá Ruins, Cobá, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

So this is it, after climbing 120 steps, I'm standing calmly atop this ancient pyramid structure, Nohoc Mul, built by the Mayans more than a thousand years ago at Cobá  on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.  The foreboding storm clouds gather - some say the end of times might be near but, alas, I think not. I do see some people wearing an odd choice of clothing for the climb up a 42-meter high pyramid - long dresses, sandals, lots of people in plastic flip-flops you normally wear at the beach. 

Since time hasn't stopped, I guess I'll just get on about my business and finish this blog post.

We arrived early morning before the crowds and buses and at one point, I was the only human on top of the pyramid. But it got busier with each passing hour.  It was great to have a mostly overcast sky - it kept the heat at bay for our entire visit. (Click on the panorama above for full screen view).  

Some folks marked the end of the Mayan calendar cycle event with arms outstretched to the sky......

...and some captured the event by camera, not sure if posterity would exist to ever view it.....

...and some captured the moment in the bloom of love.......

...and some, with the humor of a dated t-shirt - December 21, 2012.

Some joined hands and prayed together in an unknown tongue.....

... some wore robes......

....and this native Mayan bowed his head in private prayer.  It was a good day for all - end of times or not.


So, how do you get there? The access to Nohoc Mul is via a well-traveled path a few kilometers away from the parking lot/entrance area.

Bicycles are available to rent for those who want one.

And pedi-cabs can be hired for the injured, infirm, old, tired, or just plain lazy.

But most just walk. Here's the approach to the pyramid Nohoc Mul. It is one of the very few remaining where humans are still allowed to walk up to the top of it.

The human ants climbing upward.

The obligatory family portrait. (Notice the sensible footwear - alert - old man in socks).

It's a steep climb - many young folks charge up non-stop.

But others stop to rest.

And some lend a helping hand.


Meanwhile, elsewhere on the property, there are thousands of other ruins, very few of which have been excavated.  This is a Mayan ball court.......(click on this panorama to view full width)

....and a dead end corridor with a tree taking root above.....

.......and a walk-through corridor.....

...and always, some modern day body art  against the background of time-worn steps....

...and a young Mayan child in traditional body art and attire. 

Cobá is a wonderful place to visit. Imagine a thriving population thousands of years ago, carving out a life from this sparse soil in the hot and humid climate and then building these great structures with brawn and brain.

But alas..........  

.... the sinister looking tour buses have arrived to disgorge their human cargo so it is time to find a bathroom and then depart...

....and hopefully, there would be bathrooms with toilet seats as this shop proudly offers. 

I'm glad the world didn't end today - all things considered, it's most often a wonderful place to be.


  1. I have certainly enjoyed your blog and its documentation of your time in Puerto Morelos. I keep a travel blog "inthelandofhaw.blogspot.com" We have spent much time in PoMo and each visit is in my blog. Please note the photos are not as fantastic as yours but I hope they still send the message of its beauty and friendliness across to the reader/viewer. We love Puerto Morelos and are going back for the month of Feb. this year. Your pics have made me very happy that we are going back again. Thanks!!

  2. Anne, thanks for your comment and thanks for reading my blog! Joe
