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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Building a House, Part 2, Bartlett Pond, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I started Part 1 of this "Building a House" series a year ago on 12/7/11. (Available at this link.)  I assumed the project would move along quickly - not so. You might say we're moving at the pace of retirees driving on the highways in Florida, little eyes peering out over both hands tightly gripping the steering wheel, a turn signal blinking endlessly even though we're not turning, moving along at 35mph in a 55mph zone..........all we need is blue hair.

The cottage in springtime - magnolia in glorious bloom. (April 14)

The cottage in summertime -  green, green, and more green. (July 8)

To recap, our intent is to replace this small, 850 square foot, 60+ year old cottage with a real house about 2000 square feet.

Accomplishments so far:
  • Obtain land (1/4 acre - completed December 2001)
  • Design and develop basic footprint for building concept (cape style - 40x34 basic foundation - completed August 2011)
  • Have engineer survey property and develop formal site plan (completed August 2011)
  • Meet setback rules and obtain zoning approval (completed September 2011)
  • Obtain Conservation Commission variance approval necessary for building near a wetlands (completed November 2011)
  • Hold preliminary discussions with selected builder and architect (completed June 2012)
  • Have architect complete preliminary plans (completed December 2012)
Preliminary Plans:

Costs to date:

Concept plan, site engineering, permits and public hearing, preliminary architectural floorplans and elevations  = $6500.

Next steps:

Meet with the builder for initial construction cost estimate. If the cost is too high, back to the drawing board.  If the cost is acceptable, proceed to complete detailed construction drawings and develop tentative construction start schedule. Turn off the blinking turn signal and speed up.