A Favorite Post

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Year of Blog Posting

Last year, on December 18, I vowed to publish a post to this blog each and every day for the next year.  As of today, December 17, I have completed one year!  I have not missed a single day.  I even published  more than one post on some days. Whether sick, lazy, lame, stupid, or crazy, I have somehow forced myself to publish a post every day.  I wanted to see if I could do it. Well, I did - so enough of that!  

From now on, I am going back to my former schedule to publish when I darn well please. So for you many daily readers out there, you may or may not see a post every day. But considering how compulsive I am, I expect them to still be fairly frequent.

Here I am celebrating!  (Photo courtesy: Jean Chisser)  And no, this is not my hat.  One could say I was "framed" by Amy into having this photo taken.


  1. Congratulations. I really enjoyed your run.

    1. I appreciate your loyal reading and commenting (and cat-sitting)!

  2. Your blog is one of my first daily stops, Joe. When it's -20 here in Alaska (at least in my little town- its colder other places!) it's nice to see my hometown of Manomet in your beautiful pictures and words.
    Thank you!
    Mark S in Bethel AK

  3. Enjoy your holiday and thanks for the enjoyable reading. I'll check back often.

