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Friday, November 30, 2012

Progress in Manomet, Part 4, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Over the past few months, I've chronicled the "improvement" of the main intersection in the Village of Manomet.  This is the final post in that series. 

As this twilight photo shows, beginning yesterday, automobile drivers now have to rely on a machine to tell them how to behave at this intersection. Heretofore, folks simply relied upon the rules of the road and their own good judgement when to enter the intersection. Now, they must obey the almighty lights: if the light is green they can go,  if the light is red they must stop, (if it's yellow many will go faster).  It's another incremental surrender of human decision-making in the name of safety and/or efficiency and/or modern progress.  'Tis a bittersweet improvement, methinks.


  1. and some, when driving south, encounter a red light, will use the gas station as a way around the red light. Really! I saw it happen!

  2. I guess they are not happy about the light being put up at that intersection - many folks did not want it.

  3. I guess so, I've also seen people use Luke's as a cut through, when traveling North on 3A, to get to Manomet Point Road.
