A Favorite Post

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bird's Eye View - Part 5, Return to Plymouth Airport, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

As you can see, Massachusetts isn't just for growing cranberries.  Shown here are farm fields ready for the winter. The final leg of the flight takes us over the towns of Acushnet, Wareham, Carver, and Wenham back to the Plymouth airport. 

Corn fields are sometimes put to use as mazes for fun, profit, or in tribute.

This maze tribute celebrates the Girl Scouts.

But again - the ubiquitous cranberry bogs, every shape imaginable to conform to the curves of land and the existing roads. Usually there is a pond adjacent to provide the controllable water source to flood the fields for "wet" harvesting.

This photo is a "three-fer": middle left is a bog before flooding, lower left is a flooded bog, and upper right are the cranberries after they have been floated into a circular corral for suctioning up and loading on a truck for marketing.

But all good times must end.  The steely eye of Captain Buddy Mac is focused and alert as we approach the airport and prepare to land in just a few moments.  Notice his light touch on the control yoke.  Flying is an act of grace, not brute force.

Descending through 500 feet, Buddy aligns the airplane for landing.

A moment before touchdown is shown above. 

Whenever I fly in small aircraft, I am often reminded of the sentiment attributed to Leonardo daVinci: "for once you have tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return."

I'm not sure how he knew that since human flight was a few hundred years after his time but I won't split hairs.........


  1. Hello,I'm discovering your photoblog and I'll come back soon. Have a look at mine: Photos of Provence, by Huberaime. Your views from air are awesome.

  2. Huberaime,

    I have been a long time reader! You have a great eye and a great blog. Your blog portrays the beauty of France in the same way I try to portray the places I visit. Thanks!!

