A Favorite Post

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fall, Newtown, Connecticut, USA

"Hark, what light through yonder window breaks." I've always wanted to say that but frankly, it sounds pretty silly. I wonder if people really talked that way in Shakespear's time? The mixed glass window above is in the house below and looks out on the side yard.

Newtown is a mostly bedroom community in southwestern Connecticut. Like much of the area, stone walls are everywhere, many dating back hundreds of years.  It is not uncommon to find a random stone wall when traipsing through the woods.

Some of the stone walls align with modern day property or road boundaries and some don't.

And some have no walls.

At this rather fancy home/estate, the folks went all out decorating for Halloween.

They even suspended ghost like shapes over their property on invisible wires - or, maybe they're real ghosts!

These four friends enjoyed a peaceful walk in the woods at Orchard Hill Nature Center. It was during the calm before the storm because the fury of wind and rain from Hurricane Sandy was due to arrive soon.

The "blue trail" where blue attire is clearly appropriate for a stylish outdoorswoman.

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