A Favorite Post

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Can beauty be objectively absolute or, is it always skewed by the lens of  individual perspective?  Manomet seems like a really beautiful place but, is that because I live here and like to think of it that way? Does an outsider say: "...it's pretty but, nothing special?"
Fall is entering the last gasp stage before the grays and browns close-in for the winter months. 
A sundappled classic cape cod style house (with an un-classic attached two-car garage).  Did a couple ever have two-buggies back in the olden horse days, or, did they buggy-pool?

A winding road to a farmhouse and barn.

There are few exterior finishes as visually interesting as the random weathering patterns that occur on cedar shingles after a few years in the elements.
A Manometian (Manometan? Manometer? Womanetian? Womaneter?) poses in front of a house, windows already boarded up and closed for the coming winter.
Pedestrian crossing - the beach is about 100 yards/meters to the right of this view.

A bluff top view over Cape Cod Bay. 
And meanwhile, in "downtown" Manomet, the final coat of asphalt is coming soon!

Brand new traffic signals, yet to be turned on, await completion of the final paving work on Manomet's "downtown" intersection. It will be a bittersweet addition to a complex corner where random uncertainty formerly defined the behavior of automobile drivers - and many folks preferred it that way.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures as always, Joe.
    Yes, Manomet is a VERY special place, particularly when you remember that people have been walking and driving down some of those same roads and trails you take photographs of for well hundreds and hundreds of years!
    Although I grew up there, I am having trouble placing some of the places you show, but they all bring back wonderful memories of my youth in America's Home Town.
