A Favorite Post

Monday, October 8, 2012

Critters of Note

This rather large snapping turtle was walking down an unpaved road in White Horse Beach perhaps 100 yards/meters from the pond. If he/she can stay out of the road and stay safe, the species can live almost 50 years. (Yes, I gently coaxed him/her off the road).

This critter got a free ride along the Cape Cod canal in a bicycle basket.
This fawn was eating some wild mushrooms outside my living room window in Manomet when inside movement caught his attention - he bounded away after that.

This frolicking boxer playing in the ocean at Woods Hole is apparently not happy he got salt water in his eyes.

And this little fellow, well, sometimes, you just have to have a nap - regardless your species or where you find yourself.

But no time for napping if the alternative choice is a car ride!

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