A Favorite Post

Friday, October 5, 2012

Around the Town, Chatham, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

Coves, ponds, bays, lakes, inlets, harbors - seems like there is water everywhere you turn both in and around Chatham - and boats, boats, and more boats.

Nice place to get married - the Chatham Bars Inn - although the basic rack rate for a summer night is about $500 and up, up, up.

Seasonal flora at the Chatham Bars Inn.

"Rough Bar" - an interesting choice of words at Chatham Light.  I'm surprised this sign hasn't been taken and placed on the outside of the other kind of rough bar somewhere else.

A couple gazes at the incoming tide, slowly rising over the shifting sand bars.

And windy? Yes indeed - it was probably classified as a near gale for you nautical types.

All my life I've heard, "follow the yellow brick road," - perhaps this time it's not such a good idea.

This looks more peaceful - and successful.

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